
Mixing technology for a wide range of products such as powders, granulates, liquid spraying etc. We take care for homogeneity, processing time, low energy consumption and economic design. Our mixing systems are designed according the HACCP and GMP guidelines. Poeth is continually searching to achieve optimal results for a wide range of products.

Mengsystemen mixing systems

Twin-shaft paddle mixer

The twin shaft paddle mixer is extremely suitable for fast and homogeneous mixing of:

  • dry solid powders
  • solids with liquid additions
  • dry solid powders with minor ingredients
  • pellets and crumbs with fluids like oil or fat for coating purposes. In this case the rotating speed of the mixer will be adjusted
  • Short mixing time of approx 40-60 seconds
  • Mixing accuracy 1:100.000
  • Coefficient of variation <5%
  • Emptying time 10-20 seconds

Mixing screw / mixing silo

The vertical silo mixer has been developed for mixing and homogenizing powders and granulates


Continuous mixer/ coater

This continuous twin-axle coater/mixer is extremely suitable for adding fat/oil and other liquids to animal or petfood pellets. When installed immediately after an expander/press/extruder the mixer/coater can add a high percentage of liquids.

Molasses mixer

This continuous twin-axle mixer is extremely suitable for adding molasses or other liquids ( vinasses, fats, stabilizers ) to meal. When installed immediately above a press-meal bin, the mixer is also extremely suitable for pre-conditioning press meal by adding 10-12% molasses and steam.

Single shaft paddle mixer

The single shaft paddle mixer is designed for the rapid, homogeneous mixing of dry-meal products, and in particular, the accurate mixing of small quantities of additive.

  • Short mixing time of approx 130 seconds
  • Mixing accuracy 1:100.000
  • Coefficient of variation 3-7%
  • Emptying time 20 seconds

Single-shaft ribbon mixer

The horizontal ribbon mixer is designed for the rapid, homogeneous mixing of dry-meal products, and in particular, the accurate mixing of small quantities of additive.

  • Short mixing time of approx 240 seconds
  • Mixing accuracy 1:100.000
  • Coefficient of variation 5-10%
  • Emptying time 20 seconds

Poeth Twin-shaft paddle mixer Type: PDK


Poeth Mixing screw / mixing silo Type: HVM

Poeth High volume homogeniser

Poeth Continuous mixer/ coater

Type: VDX

Type: VSX

Poeth Molasses mixer Type: MDX


Poeth Single shaft paddle mixer Type: LDK

LDK-01 LDK-02 LDK-04 LDK-06 LDK-08 LDK-10 LDK-12

Poeth Single-shaft ribbon mixer

Ribbon mixer with bomb door Type: LMK

LMK-01 LMK-02 LMK-04 LMK-06 LMK-08 LMK-10 LMK-12

LMS-01 LMS-02 LMS-04 LMS-06 LMS-08 LMS-10 LMS-12