Poeth develops process line especially for nuts

Nuts such as blanched almonds and apricot kernels require customised detailed solutions. For Poeth Solids Processing, customisation to customer requirements is almost a given and recently a complete process line consisting of:

  • Big-Bag Octabin filling system
  • Pneumatic conveying system
  • Fines sieving
  • Pneumatic conveying
  • Weighing and conveying screws
  • Filter

Fines sieving
The sieving, based on traditional vibrating sieves smears due to the high fat content.
The system is based on an air sifter and works on the basis of their weight and density. The system uses a powerful airflow to sift lighter materials.
The process works because the lighter particles are carried by the airflow, while the heavier particles fall down due to their weight.

Big-Bag Octabin filling system
The system is designed to drop the delicate almond flakes into the big-bag from minimum height. A vibration system is provided to vibrate the big-bag during the coarse dosing step to ensure a straight stable big-bag, within a guaranteed tolerance of 50 mm.

Weighing screws
The weighing screws ensure inline weighing with an error no greater than: ± 2% of the reference weight at a flow between 45 and 100% of the maximum capacity.
This accuracy applies to a one to one run of at least 10 minutes.

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